Right In the Middle Market Podcast
Click below for Individual episodes and transcripts.
Episode 13: A Strategic View on M&A - Part 2
We talk with Chris Helmrath of SC&H Capital about the importance of having a clear strategy for any M&A transaction and finding opportunity in any environment. (Part 2)
Episode 12: A Strategic View on M&A - Part 1
We talk with Chris Helmrath of SC&H Capital about the importance of having a clear strategy for any M&A transaction and finding opportunity in any environment.
Episode 11: Business Strategy: Anchoring on Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision statements are mocked as much as anything in the business world - arguably because they are often not done well and are completely disconnected from reality. In this episode that kicks off our series on business strategy, we start at the beginning with mission and vision - how the two are different, why they are matter, and what they have to do with authenticity.
Episode 10: Rethinking Business Strategy for 2020
Business strategy, done well, is challenging even in the best of times. The uncertainty of 2020 brings a whole new level of difficulty when everything has changed - or has it? In today's episode, we discuss pragmatic tips for retooling your company's strategy in the current environment.
Episode 9: Decisional Bandwidth in the COVID Era
With special guest Ashley Zumwalt-Forbes, we explore business decision making in the COVID environment - and why so many of us are so tired! Join us to find out what pennies, playgrounds, Taylor Swift, and Pitbull have to do with business decision making during a pandemic.
Episode 8: Middle Market Update: August 2020 Edition
In the August edition of our monthly Middle Market update, we review strong signs in that the middle market despite ongoing uncertainty, including what we are hearing from private equity, and encouragement for business owners still struggling in the current environment.
Episode 7: Demystifying Due Diligence: The Q of E
How exactly does the process of selling a business work? In part 3 of this series we talk about negotiating price and other common deal terms, as well as overall timeline and how the process has been impacted by COVID.
Episode 6: Selling Your Business - Part 3
How exactly does the process of selling a business work? In part 3 of this series we talk about negotiating price and other common deal terms, as well as overall timeline and how the process has been impacted by COVID.
Episode 5: Selling Your Business - Part 2
How exactly does the process of selling a business work? In part 2 of this series we'll define some of the jargon, narrowing the buyer universe, and ways to keep your process discrete if you aren't ready for the world to know that you are considering selling your company.
Episode 4: Selling Your Business - Part 1
Owners of middle market companies are all eventually faced with how to exit their business - but what do you do if you want (or need) to sell during a global pandemic?
Episode 3: Middle Market Update: July 2020 Edition
It is "easy" to watch the stock markets to see how the public markets are doing - understanding which metrics to watch to understand the health of the Middle Market is a little trickier. In this episode, we explore data and insights on the current state of the Middle Market.
Episode 2: Can You Sell Your Business During a Pandemic?
Owners of middle market companies are all eventually faced with how to exit their business - but what do you do if you want (or need) to sell during a global pandemic?
Episode 1: So, About That Planning Retreat…
In this episode, we explore what to do "About That Planning Retreat", as management offsites have disappeared - but the needs for business planning, collaboration, and communication haven’t.